Picture of 21 North Main Street

Walking Tour-21 North Main Street-Walking Tour
(West Side of Street)

This building was Wilson R., "Wiltsie", Vliet's cabinet shop from circa 1880 until at least 1914. See photo, page 55 , Heritage. Vliet built boats as well as cabinets and furniture. According to a 7/24/1902 Pontiac Post newpaper item, "The largest row boat ever constructed in Clarkston, is being built by W. R. Vliet for Mr. Williams of Windiate Park." (Waterford). A January item in the Post said, "Wilson R. Vliet is getting logs for his sawmill which he will have in the same place as last year." "W. R. Vliet has moved his sawmill from Robert Reid's to George Miller's farm" by April according to an item of the same year. These farms were outside the Village. Petty Art Studios, later Petty Photography, occupied the second floor at the turn of the century. A circa 1905 photo taken from the east edge of the Mill Pond shows a number of small buildings on this lot at that time.

By 1950 Jean Weighall Looker Megee, Mrs. Lloyd Megee, owned the building where she operated "Ye Olde Tyme Shoppe", an antiques & gifts store. A Clarkston News advertisement for Ye Olde Tyme Shoppe said a circulating library was located in the shop; that it was an agency for Klad-Ezee Garments for Children; and that it was an Agency for Ridley Cleaners. The ad was in a 1932 paper but Ms. Looker/Megee was not cited in the tax records for this site. Apparently she rented the building before actually owning it..

Official Property Description:

Significant Property History:

[A Synopsis Of Property Transfers Derived From Abstracts
(when available) And Periodic Changes In Ownership Or
Assessed Value Derived From Township Tax Records]

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