Picture of 11 North Main Street

Walking Tour-11 North Main Street-Walking Tour
(West Side of Street)

This Italian Revival house which once stood on Dixie Highway was moved to this site.

Since this property is in the heart of the old Village of Clarkston it seems likely that there were shops on this site early. However, at this time there are no specifics to relate until about 1872 when tax records listed J. M. Haight, a man of "tin, copper & iron ware" as the owner of a building whose footprint was shown of the 1872 Map of the Village.

This property was long associated with the Carran family. Joseph Carran owned the property by 1889. Elizabeth and her daughters, Victoria and Sarah, lived on the second floor at the turn of the century. (Sarah was a teacher.) After Victoria Carran married George Elliot they made their residence 61 South Holcomb St. The first floor was the millinery shop of the Mason sisters, Mary Mason, Mrs. Clarence Taylor, and Lucy Mason. See the 8/26/1968 Clarkston News photos & article by Constance Lektzian.

Old Photo of 11 North Main StreetThis first building was a late Victorian building. This house was demolished in 1958 after a fire damaged the Caribou Inn to the south.

In the 1920s John Walter had an "ice house" on the northeast corner of Lot 4 according to tax records. The building which stands on the lot now was moved, in 1984, from its original site on the north side of Dixie highway east of M-15, west of Maybee Rd. (the present site of a Burger King restaurant) was known as the "John Green" house. John Green came to Independence Township from New Jersey about 1849 to farm. The Green farm , in Section 29, may be seen on the 1872 Township Map. In the 1960s the house was a part of the Ritter Farm Market property.

This Italian Revival style house was restored on the new site. The aluminum siding which had been applied over the wood clapboard was removed. The front porch was restored, a stone foundation was built by a local craftsman, and a new entrance was constructed on the rear in preparation for commercial/office & apartment use.

Official Property Description:

Significant Property History:

[A Synopsis Of Property Transfers Derived From Abstracts
(when available) And Periodic Changes In Ownership Or
Assessed Value Derived From Township Tax Records]

Site Conceived By And Grant Funding Obtained By
Mollie Lynch, Library Director 1991-2005
Researched And Written By Susan K. Basinger
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