Picture of 52 North Main Street

Walking Tour-52 North Main Street-Walking Tour
(East Side of Street)

The original section of this Stick Style house was built for Edwin M. Clark, great grandson of Jeremiah Clark. The south half of the house was added in 1969.

The north half of this late Victorian Stick Style derivative house was built about 1888 for Edwin M. Clark, great grandson of Jeremiah Clark. Edwin, with son Lee, owned and operated the Vulcan Art Metal Works in the stone building they built in 1915 at 64 S. Main St. Edwin Clark's first business was in Detroit. Reportedly Clark intended the original section of this house to be only half of his finished home, but the house was used only as a summer home and was never finished. (See the Building/Structure Inventory Form, Site #8). The size of the house was doubled in 1969 when the south half was added. Before the addition, a porch at the rear of the house was remodeled adding 12' high groin arches designed by the owner.

Official Property Description:

Significant Property History:

[A Synopsis Of Property Transfers Derived From Abstracts
(when available) And Periodic Changes In Ownership Or
Assessed Value Derived From Township Tax Records]

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Researched And Written By Susan K. Basinger
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File: mainne_052.htm
Last Updated: 12/04/2018 19:24:51