Walking Tour-61 North Main Street-Walking Tour
(West Side of Street)
This foursquare Bungalow style house was built for Mr. and Mrs. David Teggerdine in 1919.
This house was built in 1919 for Mr. and Mrs. David Teggerdine. on property which was originally a part of Nelson W. Clark's residential Lot. Teggerdine moved his family to the Village when he became Clarkston Bank President. He had a farm outside the Village and a meat market with partner, Crosby, for a short time on the east side of S. Main St., 12 S. Main. See circa 1922 photo of Teggerdine inside the market in Heritage, pg. 65. When that wooden building, and three others south of it, burned in 1927, he and friend, George King, and businessmen Bert Landi, Cecil Hubble & Clair Hopkins banded together to build a new yellow brick building on the site.
Architecturally, this house is a "foursquare", a derivative of the Arts & Crafts California Bungalow style. In the 1970s a two story 18' section was added to the west facade and a garage was built. In the 1990s aluminum siding was removed from the second story which covered the original wood clapboard.
Official Property Description:
- Part of Lot 5 Block 24 & part of Brandon St. of Nelson W. Clark's Original Plat of the Village in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 20 in Independence Township.
- Lot 22 of the Supervisor's Replat of the Northwestern Addition & Part of the Original Plat.
Significant Property History:
[A Synopsis Of Property Transfers Derived From Abstracts
(when available) And Periodic Changes In Ownership Or
Assessed Value Derived From Township Tax Records]
- Note: All the properties currently located in the Historic District were originally part of a tract registered by Butler Holcomb with the federal government on October 22, 1831. Thus, abstracts for these properties, when they exist, show the original transfer to be from the United States to Butler Holcomb and may also include references to then President Andrew Jackson.
- 1844 Nelson W. Clark, Block 24, assessed value $350.
- 1846 Nelson W. Clark, Blocks 23 & 24, assessed value $250.
- 1847 Nelson W. Clark, Block 24, assessed value $200.
- 1848 Nelson W. Clark, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &7 Block 24, assessed value $475.
- 1849 Nelson W. Clark, Lots 1 - 7 Block 24, assessed value $480.
- 1850 N. W. Clark, Block 24, assessed value $485.
- 1872 Map of the Village has no building footprint on this site, owner N. W. Clark.
- 1875 George Sibley, Block 24, assessed value $1300.
- 1884 E. G. Clark.
- 1896 Map of the Village, owner E. G. Clark.
- 1917 "W. E." Clark, estate.
- 1918 David Teggerdine, assessed value $500.
- 1920 David Teggerdine, assessed value $3000.
- 1950 Mary T. Russell.
- 1970 Mary T. Russell.
Site Conceived By
And Grant Funding Obtained By
Mollie Lynch, Library Director 1991-2005
Researched And Written By Susan K. Basinger
Web Pages Designed And Built By Bill And Susan
Contents ©2000 Independence Township Library
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