Picture of 75 South Holcomb Street

Walking Tour-75 South Holcomb Street-Walking Tour
(West Side of Street)

The center section of this house is the oldest built sometime before 1872, although the house has seen many changes since then.

The center two story section of this house was certainly built by 1872 since a rectangular footprint may be seen on a map of the Village from that year. However the proportion of the windows and the absence of entablature returns typical of the Greek Revival style would seem to indicate a later construction date than the circa 1850 one cited in earlier research. Tax records seem inconclusive regarding a construction date. The assessement value, $250 in 1856, is high for this property without a building but the size of the property was larger then. There may have been a building on the property by 1850 but, if so, it was certainly substantially remodeled later. As cited above, the windows are taller and the ceilings, on the interior in the front rooms, are higher than is typical for early Greek Revival style houses.

Picture of 75 South Holcomb Street Circa 1940Several changes have been made since 1872. Single story wings to the north and south and west are most likely additions to the original structure. A second story summer porch over the first story porch on the south was added by 1940. A second story was enclosed over the north wing at some time. The front porch with roof balustrade seen in a photo taken about 1940, right, from the Henry Ford Museum archives has been altered. A new three car garage was constructed in the 1980s.

In 1990 major remodeling of the house was undertaken. Part of the west/back section was removed and a new 2 story and single story section (to the west and the south respectively) was constructed. Most of the existing windows were also replaced.

Official Property Description:

Significant Property History:

[A Synopsis Of Property Transfers Derived From Abstracts
(when available) And Periodic Changes In Ownership Or
Assessed Value Derived From Township Tax Records]

Site Conceived By And Grant Funding Obtained By
Mollie Lynch, Library Director 1991-2005
Researched And Written By Susan K. Basinger
Web Pages Designed And Built By Bill And Susan Basinger
Contents ©2000 Independence Township Library
All Rights Reserved

Site Conceived By And Grant Funding Obtained By
Mollie Lynch, Library Director 1991-2005
Researched And Written By Susan K. Basinger
Web Pages Designed And Built By Bill And Susan Basinger
Contents ©2000 Independence Township Library
All Rights Reserved